Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jan 4, 2011

It's no fun traveling alone.

Maybe for a private retreat it might be fun, but when a vacation stretches for over two weeks, alone time becomes something of a punishment.

I love being alone. I value my private time. I'm even very comfortable with it. But when I want to voice my opinion, share an inside joke, or simply people-watch -- another person sitting with me is vital.

I'm currently sitting in my favorite coffee shop in all of SE Asia: The Coffee Bean, and am surrounded by dozens of people having dozens of conversations, but I am without a doubt alone. It's not just that they're all speaking another language -- that can be easily remedied (since I learn languages that fast. Note the sarcasm) -- but they are all with someone. Or they're with their computers, which is sometimes an even better substitute.

Unfortunately, all the people I would text to meet me here are thousands of miles away, across a vast ocean, on another continent, and over a dozen time-zones away. One of the drawbacks of being on an Asian island with no friends to talk to.

Note to self: no more one-woman travel shows. And make sure the other person you're with is no more than 5 years your junior and 10 years your senior.

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