Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 New Year Resolutions

I make a habit of having more than one New Years resolution because it gives me a higher probability of succeeding. I have, however, narrowed it down to five instead of the almost a dozen that I had last year.

In no particular order:

1. Smile more. especially in Thailand. For the 'land of smiles' Thais in Bangkok don't do as much as their name proclaims. I will be a good Bangkok expat and do my duty at smiling on a more regular basis -- and not simply because I have to.

2. Stay current on grading. This will take some diligence considering I really am lazy and let it pile up, and before I know it, I have a half foot high stack of projects that I have to grade over Christmas break....yes, I mean right now.

3. We are going to be realistic and forgo the whole facade of trying to lose weight; instead, resolution #3 is to simply exercise on a regular basis. No matter what people have been saying about me losing weight and looking thinner than when I was in the Philippines six months ago, I do not believe them. In fact, if I've lost weight then it's because I've lost muscle-mass; and we all know that muscles weighs more than fat.

4. Be more relaxed. Thais love saying "mai pen rai" which means "no worries" or "it doesn't matter." I loathe this saying with a passion. Hopefully throughout 2011 I'll be able to truly embrace this saying and tell people that it doesn't matter.
Only it does. It matters a lot when people are idiots and rip you off because you're a farang. It is dishonest. I will not stand for, that resolution lasted all of three seconds.

5. Last but not least -- the best is saved for last -- and whatever cliches you can think of, I want to strive to connect more with people. This includes family I've lost touch with, acquaintances I've met, friends I already know, and friends I have yet to meet. The only thing I have is people. When I so brazenly uprooted myself and planted myself in Bangkok, I need to find a way to make friends. I will talk more about this in a later post.

For now, these are the resolutions of 2011. God willing, I'll be able to meet one of them.

Oh, for those curious, I did succeed in one very important resolution from last year -- I kept my alcoholic drinking occasions to 12 exactly. See, it can be done!!! I am proud of myself, even if no one else is. I didn't even have a drink for New Years. Maybe this is a good habit and tradition to start for healthier living....

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