Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Didn't Blush. But He Did.

Some days are memorable because everything goes according to plan.
Some are memorable because they don't.

My day was memorable because, even in work-out clothes, I was told twice that I was gorgeous.

Actually, that's not really why my day was memorable, but it was certainly great to hear. :)

I love my 8th grade class. I love them so much that I look forward to every interaction I have with them -- regular class time and otherwise. It usually takes us a few minutes to settle down because we like talking so much, and during one such settling-down period, a very interesting conversation ensued.

You see, several months before coming to ICS, the current middle school teachers showed the students the picture and bio that new teachers sent in (ie: the current 8th grade class saw our pictures last year as 7th graders) so they could familiarize themselves with their future teachers. Apparently I looked younger in my picture than I do in real life (and much better looking too); therefore I had some students eagerly awaiting my arrival. Boy was I a disappointment......for all but one brazen student.

Honestly I can't remember exactly what we were talking about, but the banter between me and a few of the students was light. One of the boys, (and I'll admit to having a soft spot for him), was talking about how he knew he and I were going to get along well even before meeting me. How we were meant to be the best duo.

And the the icing on the cake: "Miss Lissa, phew, when I saw you in person for the first time at that assembly....I knew it was love at first sight. I blushed the first time you looked at me."

Now, I know he loves the big talk, but I'm not gonna lie, it was great getting my ego stroked. And to my credit, I didn't blush under the flattery -- even in front of the entire class. I shook my head in resignation, going along with his joke. "You're right my friend, I knew we'd make the perfect pair. It was meant to be."

............And he blushed for real right in front of the whole class. The room burst with laughter. He tipped his imaginary hat off to me, and I slyly changed the subject to our favorite subject: Grammar.

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