Saturday, February 12, 2011

Looking forward to Love

In just two days, one of the greatest days of the year will be upon us. I say this without a shred of sarcasm, because unlike other single ladies, I am content with my status. I enjoy being single, and oddly enough, I've learned to rest in God's contentment while living in a place that so acutely points out the fact that I am alone.

God and I have had this discussion many many many times, and I've been on both sides of the fence when it comes to wanting to be in a relationship and wanting God's perfect timing. But the truth of the matter is, there is absolutely no point in waiting around for a man in order to start living. I'm tired of buying into the false lies married couples throw out to singles about how their life is now complete with their spouse in it. Awesome. I refuse to believe that God made me incomplete to begin with. It's like parents who simply expand their love with the addition of another child--their love is never divided between children, it simply grows. I'm not half a person without a husband, but my life will simply grow to include him when the time comes. Although He said it is not right that man live alone, He also did not promise that every man and woman would find someone to spend the rest of their lives with. So why wait around as if He did?
Seriously singletons, live fully in this freedom, because if marriage is ahead, this freedom certainly isn't. Not to say that marriage is like the 'ball and chain' often described, but it is different. You're caring for another person constantly. You're asking their opinion and advice constantly. You're trying to please that other person constantly.

Lord, thank You that You have given me the gift of singleness.

To be honest, I never despised the love-holiday. I think it's rather cute having a day devoted to romantic love. While other single ladies take the path of depression with a side of chocolate, or bitterness with a side of alcohol; I use it as an excuse to take myself out on a date. I've worked the last several Valentines Days, but that doesn't mean I still can't have a little fun. Usually my self-date entails a romantic dinner for one (either homemade or a nice dinner out), getting all dressed up and going out with other single ladies.

This year is no exception, only it's twice as busy. Not only am I teaching all day, but immediately afterwards, I'm playing basketball against the Varsity girls team, rushing off to Thai lessons, working a quick dinner in, and then I'm going to try and find the Siam Museum to watch a movie with the ladies. I don't know how it's all going to work out, but so far this is the plan. It's a shame V-day is on a Monday. So much to do! I won't even be able to sit and dwell on my singleness like most ladies do.

Although I won't need chocolate or alcohol to cheer me up, I wouldn't mind the chocolate...

So instead of celebrating "Singles awareness day," I'm going to embrace Valentines Day for what it truly is: a day to love others and be loved in return.

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